It is the presence of benign masses type wart on the surface of the skin; it is a kind tumor originated in the outer layer (epidermis) of the skin.
It frequently occurs to the vast majority of the population at some point in their lives, but it poses no danger to health. The condition often develops in those who are middle-aged.
Given their unsightly appearance, most people get them removed for cosmetic reasons.
How does it look?
It consists of a macula or papule (spot or lesion on-high, respectively) brown, well – defined edges and a scratchy or warty surface. Over time they can develop a thick, wart-like surface.
Usually, these spots appear attached to the skin, which gives them an appearance reminiscent of dried mud.
The size of each of the lesions is very variable, although usually move between 5 and 10 mm.
Although the aspect described is the most common, they can take a more yellowish, reddish or utterly black dye; and they may appear peeling or pedunculated.
Where do they appear?
Seborrheic keratosis can appear anywhere on the body that has skin except the palms and soles. People have to keep in mind that those in the oral, genital, and eye areas are rare mucous.
People find the skin growths more often on the face, scalp, and trunk. They may appear isolated, but how often that is several are observed simultaneously in the same patient.
Who can have it?
Some studies have found that 100% of subjects have included some Seborrheic keratosis, as part of the healthy aging of the skin.
They are more frequent from 50 years and increase in incidence with advancing age.
The black individuals may have a specific variant called “black papular dermatitis” in which multiple black Seborrheic keratosis, 1-5 mm, grouped in the face, neck and upper body appear.
How is it diagnosed?
Usually, the diagnosis is visual since the / Dermatologist / a customary / can recognize the injury immediately.
In cases of doubt, or Epiluminescence (Dermatoscopy) observation allows precise diagnosis most cases because seborrheic keratosis presents very characteristic signs. In rare cases, to arrive at an accurate diagnosis requires a biopsy.
How is it treated?
Treatment is not mandatory since they provide no disruption to a patient’s health. Usually, they get removed for aesthetic reasons or some mild discomfort (itching or rubbing with a garment).
It has numerous methods for removing seborrheic keratosis, which include the destruction by liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy) or electro-scalpel, curettage with spoon and vaporization CO2 laser or YAG, among the most common and shed more favorable aesthetic results.
They all get a similar final answer. Whatever the method gets chosen, it is necessary to be cautious to avoid scarring and hyperpigmentation in the treated area.
Such precaution is an even more significant matter if the treatment gets administered to patients with dark skin (photo-types III or higher).
Natural treatment for Seborrheic keratosis
Pineapple, papaya, and grapes with seeds are scrubbers food par excellence. They get the intestines cleaned, and sweep impurities in the blood and other major organs such as the liver.
More often than not this condition is related to the state of the liver since it is an organ scrubber.
So choose one of three fruits and make a diet eating for one or two days only the picked fruit, or fasting with boldo tea with lemon juice and at the end, he will take two tablespoons of olive oil extra-virgin.
Then, only the fruit, if you get hungry, eat more fruit, all you like, but you should not change the fruit that you have chosen, or add sugar or salt or anything else.
After cleansing diet, follow a diet with predominantly fresh vegetables and steamed, broth and soups or salads with assorted vegetables are great removers toxic, plus they are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals.
Avoid anything that can red meat, cow’s milk and refined products such as sugar, soft drinks, canned juices, white bread, polished rice, etc.
The best for you are whole, fresh and organic foods without added sugar or preservatives. All this will help to eradicate this disease from the root.
Start each day with boldo tea with lemon and then oil, and eat some citrus after 20 minutes after taking tea.