Alcoholism: Why refrain from Beer Consumption, Risks for health and Alternatives to Alcohol Consumption

Overconsumption of alcohol is one of the leading problems people face all around the globe.

The effects of overconsumption might not be so visible in the younger people. This is because, during those days, the body has a healthy digestive system which is capable of producing the required amount of enzymes to break down the excess of alcohol.

However, as time passes by and a person ages, the digestive system gradually starts to lose its potency. Hence, there is an excess of alcohol in the body.

This excess of alcohol is poisonous and might cause several complications.

So what can we do in this regard? The ideal scenario would be to refrain from the use of alcohol altogether.

But if that is not possible, then the least that we can do is to be careful so that we can take better care of our bodies.

To do that we can follow some simple steps that might go a long way in dealing with the effects of alcohol consumption.

The first thing that we can change our lifestyle is that we should try to cut down the consumption of beers and distilled spirits as much as possible.

If you can’t avoid drinking altogether, then nutritionists suggest the use of red wine. It is by far the safest option and has the least side effects on the body.

Risks of alcohol consumption for health

Beer, wine, and strong liquor contain alcohol. If you are drinking any of them, you are drinking alcohol. Your drinking patterns may vary depending on who you are and what you are doing.

Drinking too much alcohol can put you at risk for alcohol-related problems if:

  • You are a man who takes 15 drinks or more a week, or often takes five drinks at the same time.
  • You are a woman who drinks eight drinks or more a week, or often takes four glasses at the same time.
  • A drink is a 12-ounce beer (355 milliliters, mL); 5 ounces (148 mL) of wine, or 1 1/2 oz (44 mL) of one liter of liquor.

Why should we refrain from beer consumption?

Now we know that the human mind does not accept new information without facts. So let us see why the use of beers and distilled spirits has been discouraged. First of all, let us discuss the case of beers.

This alcoholic beverage contains a high concentration of maltose. Maltose is a pure sugar that is one of the most effective sources of food for the bacteria and the fungi present within the body.

This compound provides them with the suitable conditions to overgrow and start to affect the body adversely.

On the other hand, the beers are also responsible for overloading the bloodstream with sugar. This puts a tremendous amount of stress on the pancreatic gland of the human body.

The pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin, which is essential for the digestion of sugar.

If the pancreatic gland is disabled due to excessive load, then an output of insulin is inhibited, and the affected person contracts diabetes.

Consumption of alcohol and your health

Prolonged drinking increases your chances of:

  • Bleeding from the stomach or esophagus (the tube through which food travels from your throat to your stomach).
  • Inflammation and damage to the pancreas. Your pancreas produces substances that the body needs to function well.
  • Damage to the liver. When it is severe, it often leads to death.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Suffer from cancer of the esophagus, liver, colon, head, neck, breasts, and other areas.

Drinking too much can also:

  • Make it harder to control high blood pressure if you already have high blood pressure.
  • Lead to heart problems in some people.
  • Alcohol can affect your ability to reason and judge each time you drink. Prolonged alcohol consumption damages neurons. This can cause permanent damage to your memory, your reasoning ability and the way you behave.

Nerve damage from alcohol abuse can cause many problems, some of which are:

  • Numbness or painful feeling of “tingling” in arms or legs.
  • Problems with erections in men.
  • Dribbling of urine or difficulty urinating.
  • Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause harm to the growing baby. There may be severe congenital disabilities or fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

Hard Liquors

Now we will discuss the hard liquors. These may be a better alternative to beers.

But there is one condition. The distilled spirits must be bright so that they get safely mixed with other substances. Colored ‘hard liquors’ also cause similar problems as those in the case of beers.

The clear distilled spirits can get mixed with fruit juices. The most popular choices for this are carrot, apple, kale, and tomato, etc.

However, the best option for those that find themselves compelled to consume alcohol is ‘red wine.’

It is derived from red grapes and thus has many essential anti-oxidants which help to save the body from the effects of free radicals.

Alternatives to alcohol consumption

Let us now move on to see what options are there to discontinue the use of alcoholic beverages.

The reason why most humans consume alcohol is that it produces a soothing effect that helps calm their minds and bodies so that they can relax.

Gamma-Amino-Butyric-Acid or GABA as it is more commonly known is an excellent alternative to alcohol that can produce the desired effects on the human mind and body. And it is not detrimental to health as in the case of alcohol consumption.

Similarly, Kava root is also an excellent option. It is derived from herbal extracts and induces an overwhelming sense of euphoria. Valerian Root is also an option and has been used by the Romans for relaxing purposes.

Many use this compound in the synthesis of anti-anxiety medicine ‘Valium.’ One can also look into Tyrosine and Tryptophan as alternatives.

Another adverse effect of consuming alcohol is that it depletes the body’s reserves of vitamin B. This is the reason why people who are regular drinkers, often complain about tremors in the body, mood swings, anxiety, and depression, etc.

This is why it is essential that we replenish the body’s stockpile of Vitamin B. This can be done by including leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and kale, etc. in our daily diets.

It is essential that we maintain healthy levels of Vitamin B-5, Vitamin B-6, and Vitamin B-12. These vitamins help us to feel revitalized and fight against stress, anxiety and ‘hangover’ aftereffects.

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