Bone Loss and Depression: Relationship Between Depression and Osteoporosis and Main Factors that Contribute the Most to it

For those who are new in the topic, this might seem like two separate issues, but they have some relation.

However, the truth is that these two conditions are more linked than you might think. Therefore, it is imperative that you develop an understanding of both requirements, that can be addressed using simple methods.

So to start off, we will first see what the leading causes of these interlinked conditions are.

Depression not only affects the brain and behavior, but it also affects the whole body.

Some had linked depression to other health problems, including osteoporosis. Dealing with more than one health problem at a time can be difficult, so it is essential to have the right treatment.

Osteoporosis is a disease that thins and weakens bones to the point where they become brittle and break easily.

About 10 million people in the United States suffer from osteoporosis. About 50 percent of women and 25 percent of men age 50 and older will fracture a bone because of osteoporosis.

What is the relationship between depression and osteoporosis?

Studies show that older people with depression are more likely to have lower bone mass than older people who do not have depression.

Bone mass refers to the number of minerals, such as calcium, present in bones. Reduced bone mass can lead to osteoporosis.

Younger women with depression may also be at risk for osteoporosis.

One study found that among women who have not reached menopause, those with mild depression have less bone mass than those who do not.

Although osteoporosis affects more women than men, one study has recommended studying osteoporosis in older men who have depression.

The same survey suggested examining depression in older men with osteoporosis, as this disease increases the risk of depression.

If you have osteoporosis, you may need to make some changes in your lifestyle, and these changes may increase your risk of depression.

For example:

  • To prevent falls that could cause fragile bones to fracture, you may not be able to participate in some activities you once enjoyed.
  • Weakened bones can make it harder to perform daily tasks, and may lose some of its independence.
  • You may feel nervous about going to crowded places, such as shopping malls or movie theaters, for fear of falling and breaking a bone.

Three main factors contribute the most, and these are:

  • Improper levels of Essential Fatty Acids in the body.
  • Malfunctioning of the hormonal system of the body.
  • Deteriorating levels of blood quality.

We will now take a brief look at all three of these instances to see what part they play in osteoporosis and depression.

Improper levels of Essential Fatty Acids in the body

Essential Fatty Acids are a significant part of the human body. We can find them in the neurotransmitters, membranes of the cells and the outer coating of the nerves.

So it is safe to say that fatty acids play an essential part in maintaining a healthy psychological and physical state.

The human brain is mostly made of fatty acids, and thus it is essential that we maintain a steady inflow of these fatty acids in our diets.

The problem these days is that many people either take too little or too much of these fats.

Therefore, low-fat diets are strongly discouraged as they deprive your body of essential nutrients. On the other hand, some people take large amounts of saturated fats.

Such habits do not constitute a healthy diet and people may end up suffering from obesity, heart diseases, etc.

To have healthy bones people need to include minerals in their dietary regime as well. And these minerals will only reach the target site (bones) if there is an ample amount of fat molecules present.

That happens because the fat molecules will help the body by transferring the required minerals from the digestive system to the bones. Not doing so will result in reduced bone quality and depression.

Malfunctioning of the hormonal system of the body

The hormonal system of the body is critical in controlling the bodily functions, and it is imperative that this system remains intact all the time. Unfortunately these days there are a lot of things in our lives that can lead to a disruption of the hormonal system of the body.

For instance, birth control pills, organic solvents, heavy metal contamination of food are some of the leady causes of hormonal imbalance in the body.

What happens is that the compounds used in the chemicals mimic the naturally occurring hormones in the body. Thus they interfere with the system of the body and cause problems.

Hormonal imbalance can also occur if the body does not have the required amount of necessary minerals. We will take a simple example to highlight this point.

There is a hormone in the body named Thyroid T1 which is very important for regulating the functions of the human brain.

If the body has a deficiency of the minerals used in the synthesis of this hormone, then there will exist a hormonal imbalance in the body.

This lack of balance will affect the regulation of the brain functions which then leads to depression.

The interesting point here is that many of the minerals used in the synthesis of Thyroid T1 are the same the body requires for bone development.

If the number of crystals available for the body is less than what is needed, the system will automatically prioritize on the brain. Such circumstances will lead to bone deterioration.

Another example in this regard is the Thyroid T4

It is an essential hormone for the heart and the adrenal system. An imbalance of T4 will lead to higher levels of cortisol in the body. An excess of this compound severely affects the connective tissues in the bones.

Similarly, sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone also need to be maintained at a proper level. Otherwise, the affected person is most likely to be affected by bone loss and depression.

Deteriorating levels of blood quality

To lead a healthy life, it is essential that the body hosts a superior variety of blood.

For the quality of blood to improve, it needs an adequate amount of the required hormones, antibodies, hemoglobin levels, and vitamins, etc.

However, nowadays maintaining a good quality of blood has become more and more difficult because of our diets.

Most of the food products these days consist of synthetic chemicals, sweeteners, food colors and other compounds that have little nutritional value.

That is why the body becomes deficient in these essential compounds and to sustain the bodily functions, the human body starts to take these minerals from the bones instead. This process leads to a severe deterioration of the bones.

The sugar level in the bloodstream also plays a vital role in the proper functioning of the body.

Medical Research has shown that mood and cognitive state of mind are significantly affected by the amount of sugar present in the body.

If the body is not able to maintain an appropriate sugar level because of Diabetes or Dysglycemia, then other vital functions such as calcium intake of the bones are affected.

We all know that calcium is the main ingredient of healthy bones and if the bones get deprived of calcium, then a bone loss is sure to follow.

Thus, we highlight the point that bone loss and depression are more linked than they seem.

Therefore nutritionists highly recommend maintaining a proper diet with the adequate amount of minerals, unsaturated fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and fibers.

This will go a long way in dealing with the issues caused by nutritional imbalances.

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