Sleep Disorder: Insomnia During Pregnancy

Most people know what Insomnia is, what some don’t know is that during a lot of women will likely suffer from this sleep disorder during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Insomnia is when you can’t fall asleep or when you can sleep for long periods at a time. This happens especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. And, even if the mother to be, needs as much sleep as possible, it can be frustrating to lay awake in the nights, knowing that you need rest.

More than 75% of pregnant women are struggling with insomnia during pregnancy and especially during the third trimester of pregnancy.

With the pregnancy, the woman undergoes some physiological and hormonal changes very characteristic that favor the appearance of specific alterations like, for example, excessive drowsiness or fatigue.

The Spanish Sleep Society (SES) estimates that up to 70% of pregnant women have some sleep disorder, so it is more of a typical circumstance that does not affect the health of the fetus or the mother but causes the Pregnant woman feels fatigued most of the day.

And this is uncomfortable, especially if it is a woman who works outside the home, with an uncomplicated schedule.

Although it is a situation that many women cannot prevent, specialists advise hygienic habits so that the mother avoid, as much as possible, excessive tiredness and sleep better.

Lack of sleep in pregnancy is one of the most frequent disorders of the future mother. Changing some habits can eliminate insomnia and lead to adequate rest.

Insomnia in pregnancy is something usual and is one of the most common disorders of the pregnant woman. Its causes are due to both physiological and psychological reasons. If you are pregnant and can not sleep, do not worry, it is normal.

The increasingly heavy and perceptible presence of the belly, continuous movements of the baby and the possible disorders make difficult the sleep of the pregnant woman.

These factors, along with the hormonal changes inherent in pregnancy, can significantly interfere with the natural sleep-wake rhythm.

Anxiety related to childbirth and the impending motherhood, which ties into many fears and insecurities “lurk” the future mother, can play a role too.

Therefore, during pregnancy, multiple factors can interfere with sleep, causing insomnia. However, sometimes, it is enough to follow some simple rules to obtain adequate rest.

First of all, it is essential to establish a routine to relax before going to bed, choosing activities that reassure and provide pleasure, while always trying to respect the same schedules and avoiding to excessively revolutionize the sleep-wake rhythm.

Some common causes of insomnia during pregnancy

There are a few things that cause insomnia during pregnancy. The most common reason is all the hormones that a pregnant woman has, and the changes in hormones that pregnancy induces in the woman’s body.

Then there is also the cause of leg cramps that can keep a pregnant woman awake during the night. And, of course, the frequent urge to go to the toilet during the night. This alone causes why most of the pregnant woman can’t sleep for an extended period at a time.

Another reason is that a woman’s belly in the third trimester gets too huge, which prevents pregnant people from getting comfortable when she is sleeping. And, if she can’t get comfortable, she can’t fall asleep.

Treatment for insomnia during pregnancy

There are some things that you can do to treat insomnia during pregnancy. You should know that such restlessness can’t hurt your baby, so relax.

It is essential to relax before bedtime so that you don’t go to bed stressed. Usually, stressful thoughts kept pregnant women from falling asleep. Some other things that you can do to treat this condition are:

  • Try to avoid caffeine and chocolates. Especially just before bedtime.
  • Try not to drink any fluids before bedtime. This will help with the frequent toilet trips during the night.
  • Do some daily pregnancy exercises to get some relief from stress and tension.

Insomnia during pregnancy isn’t a risk. It can just be frustrating to get the rest you need before the baby comes. There isn’t a cure for insomnia, but there are some things that you can do to make sure that you get enough sleep during the night.

– Drink a glass of hot milk, watch a good movie (if possible, avoiding violent or exciting genres), read a good book, prepare a pie or knit. These are simple actions that can be a great help to relax before To go to bed.

– Naps should be avoided after meals since they can make you come to the night too rested.

– It is also not advisable sports activities practiced a few hours before going to bed, as they activate a higher amount of neurotransmitters that accentuate the state of vigilance.

– An unbalanced diet will not help pregnant women to fall asleep. The “binge” forces the body to perform slow and laborious digestion, while fasting prompts you to wake up at night due to hunger. Also avoid the consumption of latex substances such as coffee, tea, and cola.

– In case it is impossible to sleep, you should not stay in bed “counting sheep,” but get up and engage in some relaxing activity, hoping to recover the dream spontaneously.

During the first three months of pregnancy, most women complain that they feel tired and have more sleep than usual. Progesterone is responsible for this situation.

The increase in the level of this female hormone prepares the uterus for the implantation of the embryo, which causes more intense drowsiness during the first trimester of pregnancy.

The idea is to rest as much as possible, but if your circumstances do not allow it because you have other tasks to attend, you should resort to other measures, such as light diet or physical exercise.

On the other hand, it is discouraged to abuse stimulating drinks, because although they keep us awake, they can be harmful to the fetus.

Although it does not happen quite often, there are women who during this first trimester of gestation suffer insomnia due to the stress that causes them this new stage.

In such cases, it’s beneficial to talk about this matter with your partner and your family. Discussing potential issues with your doctor might help too.

All of this will allow you to bear with your current situation a lot better.

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